Malcolm Griffiths
& Gynaecologist
Expert Witness
MA (Law), MD, FRCOG, RCPath
Founder Member Expert Witness Institute (MEWI)
Malcolm GRIFFITHS is a very experienced obstetrician who has held a consultant appointment since 1994. Since summer 2013 he ceased routine gynaecological practice in order to concentrate on high-risk obstetrics and to pursue the role of Associate Medical Director (in that post he had the roles of appraisal lead, Responsible Officer and Caldicott Guardian). He has "retired" from his NHS post in early 2018, in order to draw his pension and then return to reduced NHS commitments. He stepped back from Intrapartum are in early 2021 and entirely from clinical obstetrics in late 2023. Since early 2020 he has also worked as a Medical Examiner. He has held responsible posts within NICE and RCOG. He has published a modest number of papers in scientific journals (25 papers in peer-reviewed journals, two book chapters and one book) and often lectured. In 2010 he was awarded two accolades The David Liu Prize from the RCOG for the year's best obstetric paper in the British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and the Soraya Dhillon Equality & Diversity Award for the care of pregnant women with HIV infection.
He has particular clinical interests and expertise in:
- Caesarean Section and vaginal birth after CS
- HIV and Hepatitis
- Stillbirth
- Symphysis pubis dysfunction in pregnancy
- Road traffic accidents in pregnancy
He has produced over 4,000 medicolegal reports, covering Civil cases (claimant and defendant), Criminal (prosecution and defence), Court of Protection, Family Division and Coroners' Inquests, and Single Joint Expert instructions. Jurisdictions covered include England & Wales, Northern Ireland, Irish Republic, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia, Cayman Islands, Trinida & Tobago, British Virgin Islands, Tristan da Cunha. He has given evidence in the UK High Court (QBD, Court of Protection and Family Division), County Court and Crown Court; civil court in Cyprus; High Court in Ireland and Coroners' Courts in England.
In his NHS post he is currently Associate Medical Director with particular responsibility as Caldicott Guardian.
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